Copyright 2021 Idaho Association of Assessment Personnel. ​All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to the Idaho Association of Assessment Personnel!!!

Celebrating 35 Years of Excellence

We will be accepting nominations for 2020 - 2022

Position available: Secretary / Treasurer

The Secretary/Treasurer shall: (1) Keep full minutes of all meetings of members and Board of
Directors; (2) Give notice of meetings of members and Board of Directors in accordance
with the provisions of these bylaws; (3) May be required to countersign disbursements;
(4) Collect or deposit dues and transmit pertinent records to the Treasurer; (5) Be
custodian of the Corporation Articles of Incorporation and bylaws;

 (6) Have custody of and be responsible for all monies and securities
of the Corporation; (7) Keep a full and accurate record of accounts in books belonging to
the Corporation showing the transactions of the Corporation; its accounts, liabilities
financial conditions; (8) Deposit in the name of the Corporation all monies and other
forms of negotiable receipts that may come into his or her hand for the Corporation’s
account, in such depository or depositories; (9) Disburse the funds of the Corporation in
payment of just demands against the corporation or in accordance with general or
special directions of the Board of Directors making proper vouchers for such
disbursements, such disbursements shall require two signatures of President and
Treasurer or Secretary; (10) He or she shall submit a full report of the financial condition
of the Corporation to the annual meeting of the members, and generally, shall perform
all duties incident to the position of Treasurer; (11) Pay all Corporate fees each year to the
State of Idaho.

Each position serves a term of two years starting with the Secretary/Treasurer. Each officer will
then rotate through all positions through presidency with a final year of serving as
“past president.”
Please submit all nominations by July 18, 2020, and a vote will be made by all members present at the annual luncheon

during summer school in July 2020.
If you or someone you know would make a great officer, please complete the
nomination form available on the Forms and Documents

page of the website.

